The wound in Tala’s neck healed quickly but she is a bit of a mess around male dogs since her attack this spring. Tala is a hermit-by-default living with me up here at the end of the road near the top of this mountain so we are making efforts to expose her to other dogs. We spent a lovely morning on a popular trail in the Bridger Mountains where she met many dogs but she was more focused on exploring than socializing – proving herself super game for trail adventures.
My wounded leg did pretty well although a far cry from its healthy summit-seeking self. Damaged muscle tissue deep inside the calf inside created pain but it was manageable and totally worth it to embark on a short trail together. We didn't make it to the peak we set out to tag but we made it to the ridge and topped out on a rocky no-name peak which will now be forever known to us as "Tala's Peak."