sweet sleep!

Livingston lights twinkle in the valley below - a festive pre-dawn backdrop just beyond the soft flame of the candle lit here on the wee desk in my cabin.  My soul is  "Snoopy Dancing" with glee after a breakthrough night of rest.  The past few weeks have been morphed by an epic round of insomnia - nothing new for this chronic insomniac but having been granted a full scrumptious six hours of sleep last night feels like being tapped by a magic wand.  Blessed.  Sprinkled by fairy dust, the world is a shinier place when sleep anoints me.

One hour of sleep - sometimes two - were the "norm" each night the past few weeks.   Naps were elusive.  But the place and pace brought on by sleep deprivation was good for me in that I actually slowed down.  I don't usually allow an epic round of insomnia to slow me down but a combination of the holidays and Jeffery's company (which is hard wired to a slow sane southern pace) allowed me to take some deep breaths, accept and allow.  Well at least a little bit.  I hunkered down in the spiritual retreat offered by my cozy cabin at the end of the road near the top of this Montana mountain.  I took time off from studio life.  Christmas at my cabin was sweet and cozy, full of laughter and yummy food - I actually cooked!  I indulged in a good book.  Hiked a bit.  Thought a lot.  Oh my goodness I could continue the list but the sun is nudging night into day with electrified pink clouds.  My addiction to sky must be indulged, the keyboard abandoned.

More later...