Two thousand pounds of dense dark wood – the Mesquite log smells strong as the red earth of Texas. The log stood split open before me in the beginning; a would-be blank page full of possibility if it weren't for the large deep cracks which flawed the surface. My soul overflowed with thoughts, emotions and images but I had to edit and place them within the confines of the torn log canvas – a bit like playing Scrabble with just a few obscure consonants to work with and only one vowel available on the board.
But I like to push my confines and stretch boundaries as much as possible (both inside and outside the studio). I find beauty and character in scars, admire the depth of dark cracks. Yet if I were to strategically fill a crack here and there...not to hide but to adorn? I don’t believe in wood putty but my client loves turquoise. Here was an opportunity to try something new. Actually this is the 2nd Mesquite sculpture project I introduced turquoise to but for some reason we didn’t seem to be instantly compatible this time around. Sometimes I am blessed with the thrill of partnering on the dance floor in total ease - a seamless connection. Other times…well…there can be a few klutzy moments figuring out the new partner’s lead and trying (in my case really hard) NOT to lead myself. What me? Controlling?!! Ha!
Deep breath.
Pay attention to the nuances and pray for grace.
I stepped on toes and stumbled. I ruined a perfectly good tungsten carbide grinding wheel. But I am beginning to figure the turquoise out- getting into a grove (no pun intended). In fact; I can envision future dances with stone and wood.
I’m excited.