“Fun” Raiser Results

I feel blessed - blushing, and beaming thanks to the kind efforts of Paul and his father who crafted more than woodwork when they launched an auction for me at Vern’s Wood Goods. Thank-you everyone for visiting their site and sending me healing thoughts, prayers, and good wishes! Being the benefactor of a benefit has pushed my comfort zone AND warmed my heart. The auction was a success on many levels.   Vern’s Wood Good’s website had almost 900 visits including visitors from 22 countries and every state except Oklahoma.  Vern and Paul raised $1000.00 for me - and I have never even met them! 
How’s that for a sweet Valentine?!!  Paul read a feature article about me in WOOD magazine 8 years ago.  I admire the open friendly way he approached me with his idea and the kind way he launched the project.  I am glad so many people have been exposed to Vern and Paul’s fine woodwork.
Due to the incredible outpouring of support, the bid levels for many of the items in the auction jumped above the comfort level for many people so Paul offered suggestions for other ways to support if you are interested: http://www.vernswoodgoods.com/amber-auction Of course just the positive energy and warm fuzzies have been a blessing!!  I am amazed that two fellas whom I’ve never met have stepped up and “have my back.”
What an incredible journey all of this has been!!