How lucky am I to be able to watch Tala’s joyous flouncy gait as we hike the woods surrounding our home-sweet-home?!
Sonnet Series
We shared intimate bits from our layered lives. Emma has a degree in Art History with a focus on African art. The large shards of blue glass piercing one of my tree reliquary sculptures reminded her of a piercingly effective tribal ritual involving sculptures, nails and truth telling. Emma works for a nature conservancy. We spoke of grief, grace and some of the the torn heart moments experienced as we have each cared for and lost a parent to Alzheimer’s. Emma and her husband love to spend time in Montana ‘tho this was their first trip to Cliff’s Cabin.
How do I describe the “Christmas feels” when art purchasing becomes a gift exchange? Emma is giddy about the two pieces she will take home from the “Sonnet Series.” I am giddy about the two pieces finding their perfect home.
Always honored and a bit in awe at the spirit connection through expression - the magic spun. Love and truth telling.
The artworks from the “Sonnet Series”can be seen in their entirety on my website (shown here in multiple detail shots).
Monitor Peak
Beauty in high places punctuated by vivid dreamlike moments during the journey shared with Raymond, Momma Nature and happy dogs.
Mother and grandmother moments
Mother and grandmother thoughts have dropped into my days and dreams with a delicate deliberateness similar to the colorful patchwork squares in the blankets they both used to crochet. Connection. Creation. New insight. Simple comfort. A bit of awe.
Details from the sculpture “Grandma Smells Like Roses” - part of a carved fountain series created years (decades?) ago…
Jackson Peak
Momma Nature lifted her heavy grey fire season cloak for a wondrous blue sky adventure day shared with three wonderful girlfriends. A stellar view of the magnetic Tetons (behind me) from the summit of Jackson Peak. A bit of rock climbing and mountain biking garnished a weekend full of friends, wildlife, respite and inspiration.
Waterfall kissed air...
Momma Nature showed up in full plumage last night. Pure joy after the smoke cloak she’s worn much of this summer…
Full Blue Moon today.
Did you know there are two different kinds of Blue Moon? Somehow I felt a “Blue Moon-ness” yesterday as Raymond and I drove down the mountain to join friends in a sweatlodge ceremony. I looked it up and discovered the Seasonal Blue moon exists.
Ceremony helps us “remember to remember” as Robin Wall Kimmerer points out in her lovely book “Braiding Sweetgrass.”
Remember to Remember
(I’ve wrapped myself up in those words this weekend)
-image from my newest series-
Caught in a Cornfield
What a gift to witness the vast depth and beauty of this man’s heart. Raymond’s delight and love of people, earth and spirit is an intoxicating elixir. Would you believe this photo was snapped a stone’s throw from the rented porta potties at a gorgeous estate farm wedding venue in Amish country?
Happy "Little Bird"
Only four of these cheeky little beauties left. Inspired by the bird figurines in my Grandmother’s windowsill, the edition will be closed when the last “Little Bird” flies into the palm or onto the windowsill of its forever home.
A Beautiful Break from Forest Fire Smoke-filled Sky
Ross Peak was visible for the first time since we summited it more than two weeks ago. Wildfire smoke recessed enough to view the Bridger Mountains dressed up in bold morning sky when we flew out Thursday morning.
Bison Bench Selfie
My o’l bison bench has become the selfie spot at the Bozeman Yellowstone International Airport. Luckily at 5am there wasn’t a line…
Prayer Flags
Long after their time beneath sky, prayer flags flutter - in my heart, my art and the heavens…
Inspired by Nature(
photo credit goes to Raymond
Momma Nature entices with her endless (climbable) sculptures.
Precious People
Ray and Linda - my in-laws
Special night, watching Grandkids (and adults) cook smores up on the mountain at Amber & Raymond's.
Raccoons Coming Soon...
The NEW little palm-size bronze raccoon sculpture delivered to the foundry in March has made it through the first few stages on the journey to becoming bronze. Soooooo many steps and skills in the complicated process of bronze making.
City of Rocks (climbing trip with Raymond)
Rock summit glory with gusts of wind to keep the moment poignantly humbling. Raw exposure outdoors helps me push my comfort zone indoors - scary creativity in the studio, open vulnerability in my relationships and with you. Keeping it real “with all the feels” as my dear friend Wynn would say…
"Frog" - limited edition bronze
Frogs remind us of transformation…
Elephanthead Mountain
Raymond acquired a special relationship with this peak last year making it extra special to share the mountain magic together. For me it had been a decade since I dragged myself to the summit along with the 5 pound tumor that eventually robbed me of my uterus. Both the devastating loss of my girlie parts and the embracing love of this man have opened previously unimagined places of deep soul healing - rich, rewarding and beautiful.
The lure of a summit exponentially better (and more humbling) with Tala waiting patiently at the top. Pure joy.