Happy Birthday Dearest Cliff

Cliff Denham, October 21, 1947 - May 1, 2016

Cliff Denham, October 21, 1947 - May 1, 2016

Awe. Cliff. 
I hear you. 
Your rather Eeyore-like way of saying ”Ohhhh Honey...!”
Soothes me. Still.
Your spirit fills my heart in a gentle grip of pure love. Unending gratitude. I miss you. I adore you. I am so ever grateful for you. 
Happy Birthday dearest friend.

Kiera's Summit

She arrived near midnight after a 14 hour ride from Minnesota. I tucked Kiera into her bed at the studio nap room as she excitedly gaped at the stars. Just after dawn Kiera zipped over in JD (the ATV) to drink tea while I geared her up for the promised summit adventure. She’s been itching to tag a peak since early spring when she visited with her sister (and we almost summited a local peak but were turned around by snow conditions near the top).

Snow, once again, played a part in our summit day (we were on snow the whole approach). But nothing was going to stop us. What a fine day we shared...!


The yoga pose-of-the-month during my 6am class is “Tree Pose.” The pose involves balance on one leg. I’m not sure why a one legged pose would be “tree-ish” but I’ve always thought perhaps the the idea is to root through the standing foot while allowing movement in your “branches.” Balance with my right leg is more challenging for me since the dog pack attack. Certainly frustration isn’t suppose to be a factor (it is yoga after all) so I try to morph frustration into curiosity, love, and humor as I tip and teeter on my right leg.

But it’s been 3 years..!

Today I thought of my tree reliquary sculptures and how much strength comes from the hinges. The trees are split open - exposed and vulnerable yet much less likely to fall once opened and hinged. The trees I use have been killed in forest fires. Not a single tree is without cracks and scars from the life it led before its death. Each one of us has cracks and scars. What kind of helpful hinges do you use in life?


What shall I create for the skateboard this year?


Two years ago I "doodled up" this skateboard by painting it and adding golden carved leaves.  A furious bidding war took place and the piece raised a good sum of $$ to build McNair Skate Park.  Last year Raymond stepped in and decorated two wonderful skate boards since the project for the king of Bhutan left little time for me.   I've just two weeks to figure out what to create with a new blank board for what has become an annual fundraiser.