In The Billings Gazette


Twenty Five Photos in Billings Gazette Feature

The one thing I love about this old bit of press is the fact that my dear dog Zaydee made it into the feature article written by Donna Healy from the Billings Gazette.  Many of you knew my first dog Shiva. She shared a precious chunk of my life with me.  Shiva used to always upstage me whenever photographers showed up.  A natural model and total ham for the camera, Shiva would glean the lime-light whenever it so much as glanced my direction.  Zaydee was a whole other cookie.  Horribly abused before being rescued by a sweet Montana couple, Zaydee showed up in my life as a total basket case.  No longer scared of her own shadow – much less the power tools in my studio – Zaydee would hang out with me while I worked and be at my side all other times (‘tho wary of most other people).   Bob Zellar from the Billings Gazette captured this photo of Zaydee napping in the mesquite sawdust.  The whole article along with a short video can be viewed on the Billings Gazette website (yes – Zaydee is in the video too!!!)